Soni & Motown Maurice in Tampa, FL. |
I've been apart of several productions since I arrived in Los Angeles and many of them can't compare to the quality of work I've produced in Tampa. Before I continue with my thoughts, please watch this video below. It will help bring you a better prospective of what I mean. Following the video, check out my final thoughts afterwards.
Final Thoughts
Greatness first has to be recognized by the beholder. In this case, I am the beholder. Now its up to me to show you how great I am. "I'm a Show You How Great I Am." Hollywood is one of the greatest places in the world. Its the capital of the world for film and television. I spent most of my first year in observation mode in LA. I went along with any and everything that was throw my way. Immediately after my first year, I realized my greatness resonates no matter where I live and its only intensifying. Hollywood can't touch this! My greatness is growing. Its strong. Its vibrant and I will soon show you how great I am.
As the quest continues...
The Future of Late Night
Motown Maurice
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