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Tyler Collins 2

Australian hunk Tyler Collins pays us another visit and it is difficult to believe that we first featured him 4 years ago already.

23 year old Tyler, is a fitness model from Perth, Western Australia and is represented by CSA Models

Tyler has always loved sports and has achieved a stunning muscular physique

He is a down to earth guy and doesn't take life too seriously but he is focused on working out and goes to the gym 5 days a week.

Our thanks to Tyler for accepting our invitation to be featured and for doing the interview with us. You can check his first feature at Stunning Men by clicking on the link at the end of this post.

Make sure to check CSA Models on facebook and discover many more of their stunning models.


Tyler's vital statistics:
Height: 6’2”
Waist: 32”
Chest: 44"
Weight: 192lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dark Brown


Tyler's full interview


Tyler, welcome to Stunning Men and a big thank you for taking the time to do the interview. You are from Perth, Western Australia ...
Yes, that’s correct and I still live there.

First thing first ... how did you get into modelling?
I first got into modelling 3 or 4 years ago when Chrys [from CSA] scouted me online.

What do you think is the most fulfilling thing about modelling?
Hanging out with a good bunch of people and getting some reward out of looking after your body.

How comfortable are you in showing off your physique in a shoot?
I don't think twice about it ... Totally fine.

You are looking amazing. How on earth did you get into such shape?
Years of training and watching your diet. It’s more of a way of life then a chore.

When did your passion for fitness start?
When I was a child. Watching action hero movies and seeing my older brother and father training gave me the passion. 

What keeps you determined and driven to work out?
The health benefits, feeling good about yourself and the social side of training too.

What is your diet like?
I try my best to eat healthy and clean. Staying away from fast food and alcohol is the biggest challenge!

If you had a cheat day, what would be your favourite food?
I would have to say something along the lines of KFC or a nice fatty bacon and egg roll.

Can you share your fitness regimen with us?
My fitness plan is roughly training 5 days a week. Hitting all muscle groups within 4 days and on the 5th hitting a weak area like legs, arms or whatever it is I feel I need to work on.

And what’s the best form of cardio for you?
I don’t do cardio! 

Now a few quick fun questions if we may? Do you think you are a good date?
I’d like to think so, I never take anything too serious so I like to have a good laugh and fun conversations. 

Your favourite song or piece of music to play while training or running?
Hip-hop for sure! Gets me very pumped up and motivated. 

Do you have any other passions besides fitness?
I love socialising if that is a passion? Other than fitness, which is what I do for work and study I’d have to say going out for lunch or a beer with my mates is just as satisfying.   

What can’t you live without?
Weight gainer protein shakes! They are too good!

Could you finish these two sentences for us? You wouldn’t know, but I’m very good at …
… mathematics.

Now ... I’m just not very good at …
… cardio!

One last question Tyler, what is your big dream?
Might sound corny but … to continue being happy, healthy and living a good life with my family and friends. What more could you really need? 

This is not corny at all, being happy is what life is all about …
Tyler, it has been a real pleasure to interview you! Thank you for your time and for being such good sport. All the best for the future.

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