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Week 501: I'm Your Pusher Man

Weekly Written Review 

Every person in my life must exist with a purpose, if not, I will remove myself from that relationship or push them away. In some cases, I've been called out as mean. That's subjective. In all cases, I'm honest and straight forward.

After reconnecting with someone from my past in October/November (Week 476). I made a promise to maintain consistency until we met at The Meeting (Week 484). Communication leading up to The Meeting was fun. Since then, it's been a rocky road validating this person's presence in my life. I'm not a good friend and I'm not interested in having friends.

In many of our conversations, my words were misinterpreted. My favorite was when my hypothetical suggestion became a statement declaring that this person should quit their job. That got me compared with (C). (C) is described as awful from the person I'm dealing with. Following that, there were a few disrespectful comments. Highlights, "You wouldn't understand, you have a low mental capacity". Then there was a conversation I wasn't supposed to hear. This person forgot to hang up our call and I overheard their talk with their mom referring to as a _0-year-old baby. Wow! 

Somehow I was able to let these incidents slide (trying to at least), then on the day Kobe died, I reached my tipping point. I witnessed some things that turned me off. Things got really sour from then on. Yet, we managed to continue communicating from afar. Furthermore, the reason for this person in my life remained a looming question in my head. This person's giving heart made pushing this person away hard. Prior to this week, this person's privacy was violated and my previous intent was misconstrued by (C). 

...all you wanted was ___ and to have a good time.

...didn’t reciprocate my feelings

....play thing. Good time.

We had a similar incident in high school with (D) and in 2010 after dinner.

This person forgot about everything we talked about upon reconnecting and now someone else's anger and jealousy have taken influence. In this person's own written words, "...was right about that part. "That’s what I believe." "That’s what you have driven me to believe."

When this person declared that (C) was right, I requested a video chat. The conversation was pointless. It showed me this person doesn't take me seriously. When "You're not human," becomes a running joke after I clarified it many times, it proves I'm being not taken seriously nor am I respected.

This person also mentioned something that stuck out like a sore thumb. Instead of staying, they're sticking around because of love, this person said they're sticking around because "I believe God wants me to help with what's haunting you". Apparently, this person thinks my father is haunted and I'm being haunted the same. Hilarious!

I left that video chat incomplete. After the conversation, I realized (C) has a stronghold on this person's life and it's time for me to officially remove myself and this person from my life, again. 

Early Monday, I wrote what I hope was kind enough to show love and equally push affective. I already described our connection as Another Sad Love Song (Week 485) and there's no point in writing about that again. I do care about this person and wish things panned out differently between us but I believe this person is blind. Unfortunately, there isn't a cure for blindness.

I do hope I can help this person or make this person's life better in the future but my heart will be content if we never meet again. The following days, I reached out to a couple family members extending my adoration, love, and assistance if needed.

That's a rare snippet from my personal life. In other news, I was supposed to be taking a break from writing but that didn't last very long. Doing nothing creative is torture. I've already started developing a plot of my next TV pilot and I'm prepping to further develop the one I recently completed.

While the world is still on lockdown, I've removed a purposeless person from my life and I'm writing again. Amen! Oh, yeah, go Animal Crossing!

Sunday, April 19, 2020

* Completed another C&B rewrite intensive. Fingers crossed this is the last rewrite.

* Watching Better Call Saul

* Watching Locked Up Aboard

* Pusherman incident

Monday, April 20, 2020

* Garage stop...

* Surprise check. Totally wasn't expecting it.

* Smart & Final run...

* Watching Better Call Saul...

* Papa's out of the ICU

* Sent off C&B to K...

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

* Lazy day...

* Ordered Taiko No Tatsujin drums...

* Applied for GROW/G.R

* Watching Better Call Saul

* Catching up on How To Get Away with Murder

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

* Another lazy day...

* Watching Better Call Saul...

* Catching up on How To Get Away with Murder...

* Bible prep for CB...

Thursday, April 23, 2020

* Applied for unemployment

* 1.6 mile run. Just under 15mins

* Watching Better Call Saul

* Called my Papa. Briefly chatted with him but got cut off.

* Gearing up for more writing...

Friday, April 24, 2020

* My Taiko No Tatsujin drums arrived early. Garage pickup!

* Sweet postcard from Mari...

* Walk...there's was an attitude.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

* "O" developing...

* Playing Taiko Drums. It's so much fun.

* Watched the season 5 finale of Better Call Saul...

As the quest continues...

The future of Late Night

Motown Maurice

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