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Kellan Lutz in the moving trailer, 'Hercules: Start of a legend'

Kellan Lutz ,moving trailer

Kellan Lutz fans can already be seen in the network the first official moving trailer tape "Hercules: Starting Legends", where the actor starred.

World premiere action adventure (namely so designated genre painting) is scheduled for January 10, 2014, and at the end of the month a film directed by Renny Harlin and gets to the Russian audience.

As its name suggests, the plot is the story about the adventures of the famous mythical character - Hercules. Greek legends - an almost inexhaustible source of inspiration for filmmakers, so the story of the son of the god Zeus will always be interesting.

On assurances of producers tape "Hercules: Starting Legends", we expect large-scale action, which certainly need to watch on the big screen in 3D.

Although, judging by the trailer pictures, even at home movie will bring you much pleasure.

Footage from moving trailer

Footage from moving trailer

Footage from moving trailer

Footage from moving trailer

 moving trailer

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