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31DC2013 Day 24; Stephen King inspired nail art

Today's theme is Inspired by a book and I started to think about authors I appreciate. Honestly I read few books now days, I guess that it has been changed to reading blogs instead..but I wish to be better reading books, for example borrowing books at the library is very nice since and practical when living in a small apartment because the books don't start to grow when being borrowed. ;) Anyhow, one of my favorite authors when I was younger and also still, is Stephen King. I guess that most of you have heard of him? I  started searching for book title pages to see if any one could inspire me and one called "IT", (before the movie, because there has been more title pages after the movie) really looked graphical and I figured that it would go nice on the nails. I tested it both matte and shiny and I really liked them both. In general I'm really content with the whole thing, it's simple with just three accent nails and the rest black but still so cool (in my mind). :)

Polishes used:
Sure Promise (white)
Sure Promise (red)
L.A. Colors Art Deco - Sky Blue
Nordic Cap - NP12
HM matte top coat (in the matte photos)

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