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Just Ten More Days....

Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.
-John Lubbock

The month of July has been my time off from teaching.  But in just ten short days, I return to the school campus!  It always goes too fast.  So, I want to use my last ten days wisely....here is my plan!

Even if I have to go alone, I want to see The Hundred-Foot Journey"

with Helen Mirren.

It will be released just as I return.


Time is running out!

Have the remaining mornings with coffee on my patio and my flowers.

I am beginning my fifteenth year of teaching in a room with no windows to the outside...so sad!  Some days I do not know if it is sunny or not!

Maybe...hit one more sale or thrift shop before returning.

There are just a few items I still have my 

eye on...some really great prices continue!

I have met so many friends for lunch this month...I know that can be a "diet" challenge...but there is one left I really need to get with before lunches are once again difficult!

Finally, I have appointments remaining for nails, toes, and hair! So I will return polished and confident.  Any other teachers out there? 

 What are you planning for the remaining days of summer vacation?

Have a happy Wednesday!

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